Referral Staffing

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I make a referral?

A: Please call us (703) 242-4442) or send us an e-mail.

Q: What will you say when you call a name I give you?

A: We call, introduce ourselves, and ask if they would consider listening to employment opportunities in the market.

Example: "Hi Julie. May I have two minutes of your time? I am with Referral Staffing and wanted to introduce myself and see if you would consider listening to other opportunities in the market?"

If they are willing to listen, we will try and talk to them after hours about their interests and motivations. If they are not interested, we will call them in another four months to see if anything has changed. As long as we find them their next opportunity (even a year later), you receive $500 for giving us the name.

Q: What if I am not sure how good someone is?

A: If you are not sure, give us their name and let us know that you are not certain how good they are. Every individual will be thoroughly screened to determine if we can represent them.

Q: Will the person ever know that I referred them?

A: No. At no time do we ever reveal the source of a referral. You will always remain anonymous. Even after we help someone find a new career opportunity, we still will not disclose your name. Your confidentiality and anonymity is guaranteed.

Q: What will you say if they ask "How did you get my name?"

A: 95% of the time, this question doesn't come up. If it does, we say the following:

"We receive names from all different sources: lists, cold calling, and referrals. Unfortunately, we cannot reveal how we received your name, but I assure you that everything we discuss will be kept strictly confidential."

(You will always remain anonymous. No one will know who gave us the candidate's name.)

Q: Do you really want the names of people that are not looking?

A: We are sure you have experienced the surprise of hearing that a former co-worker has resigned. You might have thought, "I didn't know they were even looking for a new job!" For this reason, we ask for only names of people who you think are good. Individuals will usually confide in us about their willingness to leave before they discuss it with a former co-worker.

A majority of our talent are not always actively looking, but are willing to make a career move for the following reasons:

  • Increased Responsibilities/Promotion
  • Higher Salary, Bonus, and/or Stock Options
  • Quality of Life — Work/Life Balance
  • Shorter Commute